More About Black Justice with Carol Mitchell, Part 2 (June 26, 2023)

June 26, 2023

After Carol Mitchell was dismissed from her key executive position with the Pierce County Executive, and while suing the County for wrongful discharge, Carol put her heart and soul into a new endeavor–the Institute for Black Justice.

In Part 2 of this discussion, Carol talks with host Evelyn Lopez about power, change, community realities, and culture, and how all of these threads have come together in an organization that not only fights for Black families, but works on solving problems before the family falls into crisis. This work is so important, and you will be inspired by Carol’s story.

Check out the Institute at and read about how they are healing families and developing plans for families to thrive in Pierce County.

Let us know what you think!

Evelyn Lopez:    True_Tacoma

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